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The Internet is the only place where a small business can really compete with the larger businesses. For a small price compared to other advertising, you can have a global presence.
January's Special:
We will be giving a 10% discount for all ski facilities
Dargis Publications wants you to live your dream of a profitable business. Reach more customers, get in contact with prospects, and show you are at the cutting edge by having your own website. DP is affordable so even the smallest business can get online. We can also help any beginners to the internet get comfortable with being online or even teach you to do your own web pages. We want you to succeed.
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. ----Goethe
You will find many web site promotion ideas and marketing ideas for your business in Promotion. Look for more ideas for your business soon.

Need motivation? Read DP's Success Quotes.

Take a look at my newest client's page RK Fabricating, Inc

I am also working on a page now for Zax Grafix

Last Updated:Jan. 3, 2000

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